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Ti = Remedies
Rules.sec = In accordance with the Rules.
Alt1.sec/Note = No specific limitation on remedies will be included in the arbitration clause.
OnlyActualDamages.sec = The arbitrators will have no authority to award punitive or other damages not measured by the prevailing party's actual damages, except as may be required by statute.
NoConsequentialDamages.sec = The {arbitrator(s)} shall not award consequential damages in any arbitration initiated under this section.
OnlyDamages.sec = Any award in an arbitration initiated under this clause shall be limited to monetary damages and shall include no injunction or direction to any party other than the direction to pay a monetary amount.
Alt1.sec = {Rules.sec}
Alt2.sec = {OnlyActualDamages.sec}
Alt3.sec = {NoConsequentialDamages.sec}
Alt4.sec = {OnlyDamages.sec}
= [G/Z/Alt/4]