  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray
(Sec = (Ti = Records)

(sec = (0.sec = )
(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (1.Sec = (1.Ti = Implemented Features of Records)

    (1.sec = (1.0.sec = )
    (1.xlist = (1.Olist =
    1. (1.Secs = (1.secs = (1.1.sec = A "Record" is an ordered list of key/values.)
    2. (1.2.sec = (1.2.0.sec = The "Values" are strings. They can be understood as: )
      (1.2.xlist =
      1. (1.2.secs = (1.2.1.sec = html;)
      2. (1.2.2.sec = the name of another Record;)
      3. (1.2.3.sec = something else, for instance some computer code or a comment.)

      (1.2.00.sec = )



    (1.00.sec = )


  2. (2.Sec = (2.Ti = "Punctuation")

    (2.sec = (2.0.sec = The rendering engine should work with a variety of formats:)
    (2.xlist = (2.Olist =
    1. (2.Secs = (2.secs = (2.1.sec = The current flat file, source-code resembling. This enables use with tools of software collaboration. (Legal source prose is like software source code.))
    2. (2.2.sec = JSON, for instance in blockchains, IPFS, etc.)
    3. (2.3.sec = XML)
    4. (2.4.sec = Databases - SQL and graph - for enterprise management.)
    5. (2.5.sec = Google Docs - and why not have a mode that disrenders the text (makes into key=values) and then rerenders it with possible overrides.)


    (2.00.sec = )




(00.sec = )
