  Source views: Source JSON(ish) on GitHub (VSCode)   Doc views: Document (&k=r00t): Visual Print Technical: OpenParameters Xray

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  1. (Secs = (secs = (1.sec = The following notice shall always be presented to individual {_Rights_Holder}s when first entering into a {_Standard_Information_Sharing_Agreement} with another entity. The notice shall include a link to enable the individual {_Rights_Holder} to view the Information Sharing Agreement Summary. The Summary shall include a link to proceed to the full text of the {_Standard_Information_Sharing_Agreement}.)
  2. (2.sec = This {_Standard_Information_Sharing_Agreement} (SISA) with [{_Data_Custodian}] gives you control over how information about you may be held, shared and processed, except where [{_Data_Custodian}] may already have legal or contractual obligations to use your information.)
  3. (3.sec = By clicking Sign SISA I agree to share my personal data with [{_Data_Custodian}] under the terms of this SISA.)


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