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(Sec = (Ti = Centre for Decentralised Governance - IP and Governance Issues/Policies)

(sec = (0.sec = )
(xlist = (Olist =
  1. (Secs = (1.Sec = (1.Ti = Goal)

    (1.sec = We are creating a global legal text resource (Materials) that should be available to everyone, as widely as possible, without limitations. Law is a public good, a commons that improves with multiple uses and perspectives. Our inspiration is open source software, such as Linux. )

  2. (2.Sec = (2.Ti = Issues)

    (2.sec = (2.0.sec = The questions as we see them are:)
    (2.xlist = (2.Olist =
    1. (2.Secs = (2.secs = (2.1.sec = What copyright regime should we use? )
    2. (2.2.sec = What contribution agreements and other documents do we need?)
    3. (2.3.sec = What system of governance seems appropriate?)


    (2.00.sec = )


  3. (3.Sec = (3.Ti = Sample situations)

    (3.sec = (3.0.sec = Some of the text contributions are original and all of the Materials will reflect some original work, sometimes only the organization and choice of key names. This is a list of a few of the general situations, but we assume that there will be many variations:)
    (3.xlist = (3.Olist =
    1. (3.Secs = (3.secs = (3.1.sec = Some Materials will be original contributions. These currently include mechanical Prose elements (G/U/ and G/Z/) and a very few substantive Materials. (HazardJ is the "author" of all of these.) The Code that currently runs the site was contributed by Primavera under CC0, the xEdit view by Quynh as a work for hire (?), and framework modifications by HazardJ.)
    2. (3.2.sec = Many of the Materials will derive from documents that are in current use in businesses, law firms and agencies. For many of those documents, the authorship will reflect some work by the immediate contributor, but also complex and obscure origins. The documents will be adaptations of materials that have been exchanged within a community, often over decades.)
    3. (3.3.sec = Some Materials will already be open sourced under licenses such as MIT or CC0 (e.g. Series Seed).)
    4. (3.4.sec = Some Materials will be statutes, regulations and other official legal materials on which the authors assert no copyright. (e.g. the EU GDPR) )
    5. (3.5.sec = Some Materials will be copyrighted by organizations that have a public interest mission and principally use the copyright to assure attribution or avoid confusion. (UN CISG).)
    6. (3.6.sec = Some Materials may be contributed by publishers who retain copyright on related materials.)
    7. (3.7.sec = Some Materials will be translations into other languages.)


    (3.00.sec = )


  4. (4.Sec = (4.Ti = Takedown and Response)

    (4.sec = We anticipate that we can rewrite, write-around or find alternative sources for claims on contract materials (but not to official publications such as statutes and regulations). Nearly all provisions seek to describe reliable solutions to common problems. So we should be able to honor take-down claims on the public Materials. We also anticipate that many authors will prefer to have their materials become standards. We anticipate that the exceptions to this would usually be materials from commercial publishers. Our expectation is that in convergence the proprietary solutions will be displaced by public solutions.)

  5. (5.Sec = (5.Ti = Forking, Cloning, Localization, Specialization)

    (5.sec = We anticipate that others will create similar collections of materials. Some will be created and curated in the public interest for specific domains, for instance Materials for particular jurisdictions or for particular use "verticals." We assume that publishers will also create commercial alternatives, variations and extensions for particular communities of use. We seek to encourage these activities, while also encouraging convergence on publicly-available solutions.)

  6. (6.Sec = (6.Ti = Confidentiality, Autonomy)

    (6.sec = Materials will be used by individuals, companies and agencies in confidential dealings. We wish to assert absolutely no rights in those uses or to require that any such uses be published or contributed to the public. Our first concern is to avoid any claim that might appear to limit the confidentiality of transactions. Our second concern is to avoid any claim that materials created in private transacting must be contributed to the public. However, to the extent consistent with those goals, we do wish to facilitate the contribution to the public of materials that have been developed privately.)

  7. (7.Sec = (7.Ti = Intergration with Code/Access/Hosting)

    (7.sec = We anticipate that the Materials will be used with a variety of Code/Access/Hosting implementations. We seek to create no barriers to use of the Materials in any Code implementation. We believe that the current Code (Primavera's, with the contributions from HazardJ and Quynh) will be replaced and the replacement should be standards-based and open source.)



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