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(Sec = (Ti = DS-RO Agreement)

(sec = (Agt.Sec = (US.Contract.Among.Sec = (DS.US.Contract.Among.Sec = (DS.US.Contract.Among.Block =
    (DS.US.Contract.Among.Name.sec = (DS.Name.Full = (DS.Name.FL = (DS.Name.First = Abigail)
    (DS.Name.Last = Altima)



  • (DS.US.Contract.Among.ID.sec = an individual, born on (DS.Birth.YMD = 1988-01-18)
    at (DS.US.Contract.Among.Birth.Adr.City,State,Nation = (DS.Birth.Adr.City = New York)
    , (DS.Birth.Adr.State = New York)
    , (DS.Birth.Adr.Nation = United States of America)

    a citizen of (DS.US.Citizen.nationality = American)
    whose profession is (DS.US.Work.profession = engineer)

  • (DS.US.Contract.Among.Adr.sec = residing at (DS.US.Adr.1,2,3 = (DS.US.Adr.1 = (DS.Adr.Street.# = 75)
    (DS.Adr.Street.Name = State Street)

    , (DS.US.Adr.2 = (DS.Adr.City = Boston)
    , (DS.Adr.ST = MA)
    (DS.Adr.Zip = 02109)

    , (DS.US.Adr.3 = (DS.Adr.Nation = United States of America)



  • (DS.US.Contract.Among.Agent.sec = )
  • (DS.US.Contract.Among.Handle.sec =
    herein referred to as "(DS.Handle = Data Subject (DS))



(RO.US.Contract.Among.Sec = (RO.US.Contract.Among.Block =
    (RO.US.Contract.Among.Name.sec = (RO.Name.Full = (RO.Name.FL = (RO.Name.First = Alicia)
    (RO.Name.Last = Applegate)



  • (RO.US.Contract.Among.ID.sec = an individual, born on (RO.Birth.YMD = 1978-03-25)
    at (RO.US.Contract.Among.Birth.Adr.City,State,Nation = (RO.Birth.Adr.City = Boston)
    , (RO.Birth.Adr.State = Massachusetts)
    , (RO.Birth.Adr.Nation = United States of America)

    a citizen of (RO.US.Citizen.nationality = United States)
    whose profession is (RO.US.Work.profession = doctor)

  • (RO.US.Contract.Among.Adr.sec = residing at (RO.US.Adr.1,2,3 = (RO.US.Adr.1 = (RO.Adr.Street.# = 55)
    (RO.Adr.Street.Name = Broadway)

    , (RO.US.Adr.2 = (RO.Adr.City = Cambridge)
    , (RO.Adr.ST = MA)
    (RO.Adr.Zip = 02142)

    , (RO.US.Adr.3 = (RO.Adr.Nation = United States of America)



  • (RO.US.Contract.Among.Agent.sec = )
  • (RO.US.Contract.Among.Handle.sec =
    herein referred to as "(RO.Handle = Resource Owner (RO))




  1. (1.sec = Each party agrees to comply with the duties of its role specified in {Kantara Initiative Model UMA Legal Document} (the "Charter"), which is incorporated in this Agreement by reference.)
  2. (2.sec = Each party agrees that the Data Subject (DS) and each person in the chain of custody of data relating to the DS may rely on the engagements of the party in this Agreement.)
  3. (3.sec = (3.0.sec = The party receiving information under this Agreement ("Receiving Party") agrees to:)
    (3.xlist = (3.Olist =
    1. (3.Secs = (3.secs = (3.1.sec = make a detailed record of its interactions regarding information relating to the DS;)
    2. (3.2.sec = protect such records against disclosure, loss or alteration;)
    3. (3.3.sec = promptly make reports regarding such records to the providing party; and)
    4. (3.4.sec = destroy records;)


    (3.00.sec = all in accordance with the Charter.)

  4. ....

