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(Sec = (Ti = Robust, secure, scalable;)

(sec = (0.sec = )
(xlist = (Available.sec = Canada’s digital identity ecosystem must be robust enough to ensure it is secure, available, and accessible at all times. Full time services access also requires redundancy and disaster recovery tools.)

(Secure.sec = The ecosystem infrastructure must enable the digital services delivery and economic sectors to adopt the latest advances in security technologies and policies. Protecting personal information is a non-negotiable priority. Infrastructure design must secure personal information that is both in transit and at rest. Infrastructure must rely on a foundation of awareness and training for expertise including: access control, audit and accountability, risk assessment, penetration testing, and vulnerability management.)

(Scalable.sec = A trust framework that governs digital identity ecosystem solutions and services must scale to securely enable innovation. Some entities are ready to accept digital identities while others are not. A digital identity ecosystem trust framework must be designed to enable the service delivery and economic sectors to integrate at scale.)

(00.sec = )
