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Conditions on Rights Granted
  1. If {_You} {_Publish} {_Data} {_You} {_Receive} or {_Enhanced_Data}:
    1. The {_Data} (including the {_Enhanced_Data}) must be {_Publish}ed under this {_Agreement} in accordance with this Section 3; and
    2. {_You} must cause any {_Data} files containing {_Enhanced_Data} to carry prominent notices that {_You} have changed those files; and
    3. If {_You} {_Publish} {_Data} {_You} {_Receive}, {_You} must preserve all credit or attribution to the {_Data_Provider}(s). Such retained credit or attribution includes any of the following to the extent they exist in {_Data} as {_You} have {_Receive}d it:
      • legal notices or metadata;
      • identification of the {_Data_Provider}(s); or
      • hyperlinks to {_Data} to the extent it is practical to do so.
  2. {_You} may not restrict or deter the ability of anyone who {_Receive}s the {_Data}
    1. to {_Publish} the {_Data} in a publicly-accessible manner or
    2. if the project has designated a Ledger for recording {_Data} or grants of rights in {_Data} for purposes of this {_Agreement}, to record the {_Data} or grants of rights in {_Data} in the Ledger.
  3. If {_You} {_Publish} {_Data} {_You} {_Receive}, {_You} must do so under an unmodified form of this {_Agreement} and include the text of this {_Agreement}, the name of this {_Agreement} and/or a hyperlink or other method reasonably likely to provide a copy of the text of this {_Agreement}. {_You} may not modify this {_Agreement} or impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted under this {_Agreement}, including by adding any restriction on commercial or non-commercial {_Use} of {_Data} (including {_Your} {_Enhanced_Data}) or by limiting permitted {_Use} of such {_Data} to any particular platform, technology or field of endeavor. Notices that purport to modify this {_Agreement} shall be of no effect.
  4. {_You} and each {_Data_Provider} agree that {_Enhanced_Data} shall not be considered a work of joint authorship by virtue of its relationship to {_Data} licensed under this {_Agreement} and shall not require either any obligation of accounting to or the consent of any {_Data_Provider}.
  5. This {_Agreement} imposes no obligations or restrictions on {_Your} {_Use} or {_Publication} of {_Result}s.