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- If You Publish Data You Receive or Enhanced Data:
- You may do so under a license of Your choice provided that You give anyone who Receives the Data from You the text of this Agreement, the name of this Agreement and/or a hyperlink or other method reasonably likely to provide a copy of the text of this Agreement; and
- You may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of that Enhanced Data, or for any combination of Data and Enhanced Data as a whole, provided that Your Use and Publication of that combined Data otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.
- If You Publish Data You Receive, You must preserve all credit or attribution to the Data Provider(s). Such retained credit or attribution includes any of the following to the extent they exist in Data as You have Received it:
- legal notices or metadata;
- identification of the Data Provider(s); or
- hyperlinks to Data to the extent it is practical to do so.
>You may not restrict or deter the ability of anyone who Receives the Data- to Publish the Data in a publicly-accessible manner or
- if the project has designated a Ledger for recording Data or grants of rights in Data for purposes of this Agreement, to record the Data or grants of rights in Data in the Ledger.
>You and each Data Provider agree that Enhanced Data shall not be considered a work of joint authorship by virtue of its relationship to Data licensed under this Agreement and shall not require either any obligation of accounting to or the consent of any Data Provider.This Agreement imposes no obligations or restrictions on Your Use or Publication of Results.