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Doc.Ti = CommonAccord - Center for Decentralized Law
EffectiveDate.YMD = January 12, 2016
Meat.Secs = {Legal.Sec}
  • {Technical.Sec}
  • {Organization.Sec}
  • Executive.sec = {CmA.Quick.sec}
    CmA.Quick.sec = CommonAccord is legal text codified and "code-ified," like software source code. Objects, plain text, git, collaboration. Legal code-ification is part of the transition to open source, peer-based transacting such as blockchain and decentralized governance.
    Goal.sec = The goal of this first stage would be codification of some important areas of legal transacting and a plan for a foundation that would hold text for the benefit of the public.
    Overview. = [S/About/Pitch/Support/Overview_v0.md]
    Legal. = [S/About/Pitch/Support/Legal_v0.md]
    Technical. = [S/About/Pitch/Support/Technical_v0.md]
    Organization. = [S/About/Pitch/Support/Organization_v0.md]
    = [Law/Out/Form/Proposal/Funding/NFP/CmA_v0.md]
    Contact. = [G/U/Who/hazardj]
    Note = Using defined terms, such as {Cmacc} and {DRY}
    = [S/About/Pitch/Support/DRY_Transacting_v0.md]