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{- "edges" : [ "data" {
- "Ti" : "Organi", "s/z", "ation of ", "df.CDL", "" ,
"1.sec" : "CommonAccord is a fundamentally decentrali", "s/z", "ed system. There is no need for a hub. The fit with decentrali", "s/z", "ed transacting platforms like blockchain is explored at <a href=\"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eizIqpx_ni8KaGkk3bVKvBBDoRy2eTEtvPHE0hiar7c/edit\">Decentralized Law and the Blockchain</a>. It is also light-weight. The current system is hosted on GitHub and presented via Heroku, for free, using accounts that anyone can open. The system can be installed privately by anyone, anywhere on a \"LAMP\" stack, or now <a href=\"https://github.com/CommonAccord/Cmacc-Tech/blob/master/README\">on Docker</a>. One can host files on any system, including Mediawiki. There is no technical need for a \"center.\" " ,
"2.sec" : "Law, however, is fundamentally social, and harmoni", "s/z", "ation of rules (codification) is one of its most ancient and effective methods. Some social and business problems require harmoni", "s/z", "ed solutions, and there is a large body of knowledge about legal codification and communities that do it well." ,
"3.sec" : "Accordingly, it seems useful to have an organi", "s/z", "ation, perhaps a \"", "df.CDL", ",\" that will act as fiduciary for a ", "df.PDS", " that is a set of materials for the global aspects of codification. This will be an assortment of legal forms, widgets, and software code, like the current site at commonaccord.org and github.com/commonaccord/Cmacc-Org." ,
"4.sec" : "As a starting point for discussion, the ", "df.CDL", " should be not-for-profit, based in civil society (rather than government), very light-weight, focused on supporting the community of coders, both legal and software. The \"Cmacc\" format should be submitted to a technical standards procedure. When a new parser is written, it should also be subject to a formal codification. Most of the rest should remain a matter of free choice and competition. " ,
"5.sec" : "The ", "df.CDL", "'s budget will likely be from donations, though micropayments could be explored. " ,
"df.CDL" : "Center for Collaborative Law" ,
"df.PDS" : "Cell" ,
"s/z" : "z" ,