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// = Defined terms are hyperlinks to the definitions. As you draft a document, you say {_Affiliate}. This makes the term a hyperlink to the definition. It also ensure that you are using defined terms that really are defined, and avoids ambiguity about whether a term is defined (e.g., "Affiliates" at the beginning of a sentence). Defined terms have the CSS class of "definedterm" which makes them appear with special formatting. In the "Document" view, the default is green. In "Print," they are in italics.
Affiliate = Affiliate
Affiliates = Affiliates
Agent = Agent
Agreement = Agreement
Agreement_Term = Agreement Term
All_IP = All IP
Applicable_Exchange_Rate = Applicable Exchange Rate
Appointment = Appointment
Approved_Region = Approved Region
Available_Service = Available Service
Business_Day = Business Day
Business_Days = Business Days
Business_Hours = Business Hours
Buyer = Buyer
Change_Order = Change Order
Change_Orders = Change Orders
Charge = Charge
Charges = Charges
Client = Client
Company = Company
Company_Affiliate = Company Affiliate
Company_Affiliates = Company Affiliates
Company_IP = Company IP
Confidential_Information = Confidential Information
Confidential_Information_of_Disclosing_Party = {Confidential_Information} of {Disclosing_Party}
Confidentiality_Engagement = Confidentiality Engagement
Confidentiality_Engagements = Confidentiality Engagements
Confidentiality_Period = Confidentiality Period
Contractor = Contractor
Contractor_Tools = Contractor Tools
Copyrights = Copyrights
Customer's_Equipment = Customer's Equipment
Customer's_Manager = Customer's Manager
Customer = Customer
Customer_Affiliate = Customer Affiliate
Customer_Affiliate = Customer Affiliate
Customer_Affiliates = Customer Affiliates
Customer_Business_Policy = Customer Business Policy
Customer_Data = {_P1} Data
Customer_Equipment = {_P1} Equipment
Customer_Group = Customer Group
Customer_Materials = Customer Materials
Customer_Order = Customer Order
Customer_Orders = Customer Orders
Customer_Party = Customer Party
Customer_Site = Customer Site
Customer_Sites = Customer Sites
Customer_Tail_Circuit = Customer Tail Circuit
DataSec_Program = DataSec Program
Data_Controller = Data Controller
Data_Subject = Data Subject
Deadline_Date = Deadline Date
Deliverable = Deliverable
Deliverables = Deliverables
Developer = Developer
Discloser = Discloser
Disclosing_Party = Disclosing Party
Discount_Price = Discount Price
Discount_Rate = Discount Rate
Discounted_Purchase_Amount = Discounted Purchase Amount
Discounted_Purchase_Amounts = Discounted Purchase Amounts
Dissolution_Event = Dissolution Event
Dissolving_Purchaser = Dissolving Purchaser
Dissolving_Purchasers = Dissolving Purchasers
Distributor = Distributor
Effective_Date = Effective Date
Employee = Employee
Entity = Entity
Equipment = Equipment
Event_of_Insolvency = Event of Insolvency
Excluded_Invention = Excluded Invention
Excluded_Inventions = Excluded Inventions
Expense = Expense
Expenses = Expenses
Fee = Fee
Fees = Fees
Force_Majeure_Affected_Party = Force Majeure Affected Party
Force_Majeure_Creditor_Party = Force Majeure Creditor Party
Force_Majeure_Event = Force Majeure Event
Founder = Founder
Framework_Agreement = Framework Agreement
Framework_Agreement_Commencement_Date = Framework Agreement Commencement Date
Future_Patent = Future Patent
Future_Patents = Future Patents
Governing_Law = Governing Law
Group = Group
IP.Xnum = Holder = Holder
Holders = Holders
Indemnified_Claim = Indemnified Claim
Indemnified_Party = Indemnified Party
Indemnified_Parties = Indemnified Parties
Information = Information
Intellectual_Property_Right = Intellectual Property Right
Intellectual_Property_Rights = Intellectual Property Rights
Invention = Invention
Inventions = Inventions
Investor = Investor
Investors = Investors
Jurisdiction = Jurisdiction
Key_Personnel = Key Personnel
License = License
Licensee = Licensee
Licensor = Licensor
Mandatory_Policies = Mandatory Policies
Mark = Mark
Marks = Marks
Maturity_Date = Maturity Date
Milestones = Milestones
Moral_Right = Moral Right
Moral_Rights = Moral Rights
Network = Network
Network_Launch = Network Launch
Note = Note
Notes = Notes
Order_Form = Order Form
Other_Invention = Other Invention
Other_Inventions = Other Inventions
P1_Affiliate = {_P1} Affiliate
P1_Invention = {_P1} Invention
P1_Inventions = {_P1} Inventions
P1_Policy = {_P1} Affiliate
P1_Software = {_P1} Software
P2_Affiliate = {P2} Affiliate
P2_Policy = {P2} Affiliate
P2_Software = {P2} Software
Patent_Application = Patent Application
Patent_Applications = Patent Applications
Permitted_Receiver = Permitted Receiver
Permitted_Receivers = Permitted Receivers
Person = Person
Personal_Data = Personal Data
Preexisting_IP = Preexisting IP
Principal = Principal
Provider = Provider
Provider_Affiliate = Provider Affiliate
Provider_Background_IPR = Provider Background IPR
Purchase_Amount = Purchase Amount
Purchase_Amounts = Purchase Amounts
Purchaser = Purchaser
Purchasers = Purchasers
Purpose = Purpose
Qualified_Financing = Qualified Financing
Receiver = Receiver
Receiving_Party = Receiving Party
Receiver = Receiver
Recipient = Recipient
Sale_of_the_Company = Sale of the Company
Service = Service
Service_Commencement_Date = Service Commencement Date
Service_Schedule = Service Schedule
Service_Schedules = Service Schedules
Service_Term = Service Term
Services = Services
SoW = SoW
SoW_Charges = SoW Charges
SoWs = SoWs
Software = Software
Specific_Inventions_Law = Specific Inventions Law
Specification = Specification
Specifications = Specifications
Subcontractor = Subcontractor
Supplier = Supplier
Supplier_Affiliate = Supplier Affiliate
Supplier_Background_IPR = Supplier Background IPR
Supplier_Software = Supplier Software
Tail Circuit = Tail Circuit
Tail_Circuit = Tail Circuit
Tax = Tax
Taxes = Taxes
Term = Term
Third_Party = Third Party
Third_Party_Information = Third Party Information
Token = Token
Tokens = Tokens
Trade_Secret = Trade Secret
Trade_Secrets = Trade Secrets
Training_Period = Training Period
Transclude = Transclude
Transclusion = Transclusion
Tribunal = Tribunal
Upgrade = Upgrade
Vendor = Vendor
Work_Product = Work Product
Work = Work
Works = Works
control = control
controls = controls
The_Company = The {Company}
the_Company = the {Company}
the_Effective_Date = the {Effective_Date}
the_Purpose = {Purpose}
This_Agreement = This {Agreement}
this_Agreement = this {Agreement}
a_Receiving_Party = a {Receiving_Party}
such_Receiving_Party = such {Receiving_Party}
parties = Parties
Parties = Parties
party = Party
Party = Party
a_Party = a {Party}
Neither_Party = Neither {party}
Each_Party = Each {Party}
each_Party = each {Party}
Each_party = Each {Party}
each_party = each {Party}
The_Party = The {Party}
the_Party = the {Party}
The_Parties = The {Parties}
The_parties = The {Parties}
the_Parties = the {Parties}
the_parties = the {Parties}
the_other_Party = the other {Party}
Closing = Closing
Schedule_of_Purchasers = Schedule of Purchasers
Loan_Amount = Loan Amount
Closing_Date = Closing Date
Additional_Purchasers = Additional Purchasers
Additional_Closing = Additional Closing
Loan_Documents = Loan Documents
Conversion_Securities = Conversion Securities
Securities = Securities
Act = Act
Common_Stock = Common Stock
Requisite_Holders = Requisite Holders